
The Montefalco appellation, a small area for a great wine.

The area where “Montefalco” controlled designation of origin grapes are produced includes the lands of the entire territory of the municipality of Montefalco and partly those of the territory of the municipalities of Bevagna, Gualdo Cattaneo, Castello Ritaldi and Giano dell’Umbria, in the province of Perugia.

Wine production area


The geographical area of production of Montefalco encompasses the entire municipal territory of Montefalco, from which is named after, and part of Bevagna, Giano dell’Umbria, Gualdo Cattaneo, Castel Ritaldi; all in the province of Perugia, at the heart of Umbria.

The altitude ranges from 220 to 472 meters a.s.l. on the highest hills, where you can see gorgeous medieval villages. In this area the slope and the exposure of the vineyards are really variable, creating a puzzle of microclimates and coltures.

The soil of the Montefalco production area is characterized by 4 sub zones:
  • Fluvial – lacustrine conglomerates.
  • Clays and lacustrine sands (Scacciadiavoli Winery).
  • Alluvial: sandy and pebbly soil.
  • Marls: large areas, least interesting for the production.

The thickness of the root-explored layer varies according to the type of soil from more than 150 cm to less than 70 cm

Wine production area


The grapes for the production of DOC Spoleto wines must be grown in the area delimited by the denomination, therefore the entire territory of the municipality of Montefalco and part of those of Campello sul Clitunno, Castel Ritaldi, Foligno, Spoleto and Trevi. All the municipalities are located in the province of Perugia, alternating flat stretches with gentle hills.

The Climate

The climate is substantially is sub continental – Mediterranean, with hot summers and cold and moderately rainy winters.

Average summer temperatures are between 18 and 23°C and winter ones between 4-6°C;

Annual rainfalls are between 750 and 1300 millimetres, with maximum levels in autumn and minimum levels in summer.

Climate change is raising average temperatures